Electricity Bills Relief for 20 Million BISP Beneficiaries 2024
Electricity Bills Relief For 20 Million: The government of Pakistan has stated that all eligible beneficiaries of the Benazir program will receive subsidies through their electricity bills. A meeting, therefore, will soon be conducted between the BISPs to discuss all important issues regarding volume transfer.
Relief for High Electricity Bills for 20 Million BISP Beneficiaries
In view of the ongoing deliberations to offer relief to all eligible beneficiaries, BISP is now paying attention to initiating the process at the earliest. MPA & SS, on the direction of the Prime Minister, say that the direct subsidy of the Benazir Income Support Fund can be offered immediately through their electricity bills after BISP provides bulk data to the electricity. A meeting was held to deliberate and formulate an alternative plan. The company insisted that the letter should be submitted to the power division. Electricity Bills Relief For 20 Million
20 ملین کے لیے بجلی کے بلوں میں ریلیف
ملین کے لیے بجلی کے بلوں میں ریلیف : حکومت پاکستان نے اعلان کیا ہے کہ بے نظیر پروگرام کے تمام مستحق افراد کو ان کے بجلی کے بلوں کے ذریعے 20 سبسڈی ملے گی۔ لہذا جلد ہی بی آئی ایس پی کے درمیان ایک میٹنگ کا اہتمام کیا جائے گا جس میں جسم کی منتقلی کے حوالے سے تمام اہم امور پر تبادلہ خیال کیا
جائے گا۔
زیادہ بجلی کے بل وصول کنندگان کے لیے سبسڈی
تمام اہل استفاده کنندگان کو مالی ریلیف فراہم کرنے کے لیے جاری بات چیت کی روشنی میں، بی آئی ایس پی اب اس حکمت عملی کو جلد از جلد لاگو کرنے کا نوٹس لے رہا ہے۔ وزیر اعظم کی ہدایت پر ایم پی اے اور ایس ایس کا کہنا ہے کہ بی آئی ایس پی کی جانب سے بیلی کو بلک ڈیٹا دینے کے بعد بے نظیر انکم سپورٹ فنڈ کی براہ راست سبسڈی ان کے بجلی کے بلوں کے ذریعے فوری طور پر فراہم کی جاسکتی ہے۔ متبادل پلان پر تبادلہ خیال اور تیار کرنے کے لیے میٹنگ بلائی گئی، فرم نے جواب دیا کہ درخواست پاور ڈویژن کے ذریعے بھیجی جائے۔
Collaboration between BISP and K-Electric for the provision of subsidy Electricity bills relief for 20 million BISP sought assistance from the Power Division to direct K Electric to collaborate with BISP to cross-match the data of BISP beneficiaries of Rs 50 lakh. PITCO shall provide that information to Power Information Technology Company so that once data is agreed, subsidy can be directly provided to the eligible recipient through Electricity Bills Relief For $20 Million.
e-Voucher Direct Transfer of Subsidies
Electricity Bills Relief For 20 Million Protected household electricity consumers shall receive direct subsidies through e-vouchers issued by Ministry of Poverty Alleviation and Social Security. Orders of implementing that PD and FD must also be used to route data sharing instructions. Data sharing instructions must also be routed through PD and FD because, all substudies are delivered to KE and its consumers through orders of Finance and Power Division, Government of Pakistan.
E-vouchers will be forwarded to the Consumers through Various Bank Branches
BISP is also liable to provide its database, along with the mobile phone number of the beneficiaries, to the power companies. As a result, the PMT score data BI SP is supposed to provide to the Power Division has to be closely monitored. In the third phase, the Power Division will scrutinize the e-vouchers that the authority, Pakistan Telecommunication, provides to the Power Division on their registered mobile phone. E-vouchers are supposed to be used while clearing bills.
A Step-By-Step Guide On Giving to Beneficiaries
These simple steps that the beneficiaries can perform complete the process of e-voucher collection up to the receipt of subsidy from the power companies.
- Issuance of e-vouchers: With the PMT system, the government will identify 20 million households that have electricity connections and the power division or the electricity companies will issue the
- e-vouchers. Now, these households will carry their electricity bills along with the e-vouchers to the bill collection points within their DISCO service area.
- It verifies the subsidy by meter reference number and CNIC number against bill collection points.
- It will automatically match the Power consumption with BISP PMT data for the deletion of ineligible households.
- Recovery for not eligible: If it is established that they are not eligible, the amount to be paid will be recovered in the next bills.
- Appeal Process: The families that think they qualify for the subsidy but were not included may visit the NSER desk and update their information so that it will appear on future e-vouchers.
- Limit to one benefit: If a family has more than one electricity meter, it implies that the benefit of only one subsidy can be availed of by every family, and there is a prevention of taking multiple subsidies.
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Electricity bill subsidies are offered to 20 million BISP beneficiaries. This system will prove that the benefits can be availed only by such families who deserve it the most. on the prime minister’s direction, adds that Benazir income support fund direct subsidy would be issued immediately through the electricity bills after BISP submits the bulk data to Electricity. All information related to this relief is given in this article; if you have any questions, you can ask them in the comment section.