Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif gave a boost to women’s empowerment by inaugurating the first training programs for women to teach underprivileged women how to stitch so that they become self-employed and financially independent. The chief minister, along with the ceremony held at Sheikhupura, also personally gave certificates and job letters to successful trainees. This program is the starting point for a chain of initiatives meant to extend economic opportunities across all tehsils in Punjab so that women will be able to receive quality education and training in their tehsil areas without traveling miles.
گارمنٹس سٹی، شیخوپورہ میں منعقدہ ایک تقریب کے دوران، وزیر اعلیٰ پنجاب مریم نواز شریف نے اپنے پراجیکٹ میں خواتین کے لیے پہلے تربیتی سیشن کی تکمیل کے موقع پر اعزازی مہمان کے طور پر خدمات انجام دیں جس کا مقصد انہیں معاشی اور ہنر مندی سے بااختیار بنانا تھا۔ انہوں نے سلائی اور کپڑے سازی کی تربیت حاصل کرنے والوں کو سرٹیفکیٹ پیش کئے۔ یہ واقعہ پنجابی تاریخ کا ایک اہم لمحہ ہے کیونکہ اس نے واہگہ میں پسماندہ خواتین کو ملازمت کی پیشکشوں، وظائف اور تربیت مکمل کرنے پر سرٹیفکیٹس کے ذریعے مالی مدد فراہم کی۔ میڈم چیف منسٹر نے تقریب کے دوران کہا کہ “آپ کو ہنر مند بنانے کا مقصد آپ کو وصول کرنے والا نہیں بلکہ دینے والا بننا ہے۔”
“The purpose of making you skilled is not for you to be a receiver, but to become a giver,” the Madam Chief Minister said during the ceremony.
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Objectives of Training Program
The main objective of the First Batch of Women Training is to give vocational skills to women in low-income background so that they can secure employment or initiate their own ventures. The program, in emphasizing stitching and clothing making, addresses the critical needs of the local economy: an increasing need for skilled labor in textile and garment industries.
The goal is to produce not only technical skills but also a confident and independent individual. This program seeks to reduce the unemployment rates among women and promote overall growth in the economy of Punjab through a well-skilled and capable female workforce.
Session Details
The first batch was trained in Garments City, Sheikhupura—the textile hub of Punjab. In this city, the women trainees, under experienced trainers, received training about all aspects of stitching and clothing production. The curriculum encompassed practical training on methods of stitching, choice of material, design of garments, and quality control. Also, the course included business management, marketing of products, and financial planning.
After the training, all the participants were issued certificates, job letters, and scholarship awards to boost their entrepreneurial activities. This organized way ensures that the women are well-equipped to take the workforce or venture out as entrepreneurs with confidence.
Each Tehsil will have a garment training center
She ensured the girls that clothing training facilities would finally be available in every tehsil so that no girl would have to move far from her home to get the benefit. At the same time, she said that this group has become the first group to complete training under the Skilling Women program in Punjab.
Women Received Certificates Upon Completing Training
When she was meeting them, she was proud of telling them, Inshallah, congratulations on the training journey.
“Every daughter is proud, you’re the pride and glory of your house, I’m so glad you learned this skill; you’ll be able to live with confidence,” she said. The major aim behind the project was that women should earn with dignity rather than straining their hands. She elaborated in her speech that Punjabi women should be exemplary role models in all sectors of life: education, health, work, and athletics.
With this initiative of the CM for women’s skill empowerment, women are gaining a great deal of confidence in the state of Punjab as well as independence in conducting themselves. They will feel proud to work in centers, which will be created soon at each tehsil, after which they can freely engage with their families and other social members with a piece of work, with centers providing them with skill, or giving them monetary help; hence, they can develop trust within their families and social system as well.