Good news The federal government has big announced a relief of up to 26 rupees per unit on excess consumption of electricity in the winter season. This step will allow consumers to meet increased power requirements during winters. According to the Power Division, this relief will be given against the excess power consumption compared to last year. The excess electricity cost will thus come down to a flat rate of Rs 26 7 paise per unit, which will give humongous financial benefits to the public.
This winter power package will continue from December 2024 to February 2025. This power package will be enjoyed by domestic, commercial, as well as industrial consumers. Domestic consumers will be saved from Rs 11 42 paise to Rs 26 per unit. For example, the relief for commercial consumers will be between Rs 13 46 paise and Rs 22 71 paise. Industrial consumers, on the other hand, will get relief up to Rs 5 72 paise and Rs 15 5 paise per unit.
سردیوں میں بجلی کے استعمال پر 26 روپے فی یونٹ ریلیف کا اعلان وفاقی حکومت نے سردیوں کے موسم میں بجلی کے اضافی استعمال پر فی یونٹ 26 روپے تک کا ریلیف دینے کا اعلان کیا ہے۔ اس اقدام سے صارفین کو سردیوں میں بڑھتی ہوئی بجلی کی ضروریات کو پورا کرنے میں مدد ملے گی۔ پاور ڈویژن کے مطابق، گزشتہ سال کے مقابلے میں اضافی بجلی کے استعمال پر یہ ریلیف فراہم کیا جائے گا۔ اس طرح، اضافی بجلی پر 26 روپے 7 پیسے فی یونٹ کا فلیٹ ریٹ متعارف کرایا جائے گا، جس سے عوام کو مالی طور پر بڑا فائدہ پہنچے گا۔
سہولت پیکیج کی مدت اور اس کا اطلاق
یہ بجلی سہولت پیکیج موسم سرما کے تین ماہ، یعنی دسمبر 2024 سے فروری 2025 تک جاری رہے گا۔ اس پیکیج کا اطلاق گھر یلو، کمرشل اور صنعتی صارفین پر ہو گا۔ گھریلو صارفین کو 11 روپے 42 پیسے سے لے کر 26 روپے تک فی یونٹ ریلیف ملے گا۔ کمر شل صارفین کے لیے یہ ریلیف 13 روپے 46 پیسے سے 22 روپے 71 پیسے تک ہو گا، جبکہ صنعتی صارفین کو 5 روپے 72 پیسے سے لے کر 15 روپے 5 پیسے تک فی یونٹ بچت ملے گی۔
اضافی بجلی کے استعمال پر مزید ریلیف
ذرائع کا کہنا ہے کہ حکومت نے موسم سرما اور بہار میں اضافی بجلی استعمال کرنے کے لیے ایک ونٹر پیکج تیار کر لیا ہے۔ اس پینج کے ذریعے اضافی بجلی کے استعمال پر صارفین کو ایک یونٹ پر 12 روپے تک کا ریلیف ملنے کی تجویز ہے۔ حکومت کا یہ اقدام 8 ہزار سے 15 ہزار میگاواٹ تک بجلی کی طلب بڑھانے کے لیے تیار کیا گیا ہے، تاکہ صارفین کو اضافی بجلی استعمال کرنے پر آسانیاں فراہم کی جا سکیں اور ان کے مالی بوجھ کو کم کیا جاسکے۔
Federal Government Announces PKR 26 Per Unit Winter Relief on Extra Electricity Consumed
Sources say that the government has prepared a winter package to use the excess electricity in winter and spring. Through this package, consumers are proposed to get a relief of up to Rs. 12 per unit on excess electricity consumption. According to sources, the government has planned this package with the aim of increasing their demand of electricity from 8,000 MW to 15,000 MW so that they can consume the excess electricity and thus remove the financial burden from their heads.
Eligibility for Winter Electricity Relief
A winter relief package will be availed of by a vast section of consumers in the country. The eligibility criteria for consumers is:
- Household Consumers: This sort of relief will be availed of by those families who consume surplus electricity during the winter season.
- Commercial Consumers: Commercial consumers who also require surplus power supply to run the business during the cold months can seek this package.
- Industrial Consumers: Factories and industries that consume excess amounts of electricity for production would also benefit from this relief.
Relief Amounts for Home, Shop, and Industrial Consumers
The winter relief package would provide different types of relief to the consumers.
- Domestic Consumers: The relief for domestic consumers will vary between PKR 11.42 per unit and PKR 26 per unit, as the rate varies with consumer level.
- Commercial Consumers: Relief rate in the amount of PKR 13.46 per unit to PKR 22.71 for saving the current small-scale business from current messing expenditures on an electricity bill.
- Industrial Consumers: The relief to industrial consumers will translate to PKR 5.72 per unit to PKR 15.05 per unit; thus, industry shall not have to bear the heavy energy cost burden as an additional burden on their operations.
Extended Duration of Winter Package
The relief will be available from the three coldest months of the year, i.e., December 2024 up to February 2025. During this time, consumers are entitled to the above relief over and above the electricity charges on their respective electricity bills .
How can I get the PKR 26 per unit Relief?
To avail the relief of PKR 26 per unit, consumers will have to consume more electricity than they did in the same period last year. As a part of the set system, the Power Division has implemented an automatic relief application system throughout the country for consumers who are consuming more electricity during the winter months than last year. There is no need for a special application process; consumers will just see the relief applied directly to their bills.
The Power Division said the winter relief package was intended to support those that will use more electricity during the winter season. The government said that this was to alleviate households and businesses by providing a necessary relief during this time of an increase in electricity consumption due to the cold weather.
Expected Decrease in Electricity Utilization
The government thought that this relief package would help in regulating the increase in seasonal electricity demand. It assumed that the demand for electricity would rise to 8,000 to 15,000 MW in the winter months. Giving financial incentives on additional electricity usage will balance and support the increased demand while ensuring the financial well-being of electricity consumers across the nation.